
Q : How do I place an order?
We ensure easy process for you to place an order with us
  1. Click chosen items , add to cart
  2. Click quantity you wish to order
  3. To review your items, click on “Cart” on the upper right corner of page
  4. When ready to place order, click “Checkout”
  5. Fill up all your accurate details as required
  6. Click “Continue to Shipping” and choose preferred “Shipping Method”
    and continue your payment

You will receive a confirmation email shortly after you have successfully placed your order

Q : How can I get my order confirmation number?
A confirmation link will be send via EMAIL, kindly click link for your confirmation number

Q: Can I make changes to or cancel my order once it’s been placed?
Unfortunately, once you successfully make an order, we’re not able to make any further changes on quantity , items chosen or shipping method.
Lulu Beaute is not liable for replacement or refunds for parcels that have been delivered to incorrect address provided.
Please ensure reviewing your details before checking out.

Q : I’m having issues using the coupon or voucher code
Please check on the terms & conditions of your voucher. Ensure the correct code given are still valid
Or else, kindly contact us by clicking “Chat with us” on our website


Q : How can I track my order?
We will be sending via EMAIL on your tracking no.
As we are using J&T as our shipping courier, you may track via the link

Q : When are your delivery days?
Our delivery pickup by courier are on Mondays / Fridays (except PH)
Will reach your doorstep within 2 - 4 working days

Q : Can I request for self - collection?
Unfortunately during this pandemic, strictly no Self Collection. Your safety is our priority

Q : What if I’m not available or around to receive my parcel upon delivery?
Our courier will give you a call or SMS upon arrival, you may arrange with them accordingly

Q : What should I do if there’s a delay in the delivery ?
We’re sorry you order has been delayed! Kindly continue tracking your parcel via the link provided along with your tracking number
https://jtsvip.jtexpress.sg/service/instanceExpressTrack OR call J&T Hotline 6939 6399

For further enquiries, please feel free to reach out by clicking “Chat with Us” on our website

Refund, Returns & Exchange

Q : What is the return and exchange policy?
You are entitled to return / exchange your Order within 7 days
The deadline for returning an order is 7 days from the date on which you received the Goods.

In order to exercise you right of returning or exchanging, you must inform us of your decision by means of a clear statement. You can inform us of your decision by sending us via - Email : enquiry@lulubeaute.sg
or Contact us : " Chat with us" on our website

  • Item must be in its original purchase condition - packaging must be unopened, unused, unmarked and not defaced in any manner.
  • Items purchased as part of a set or a multi-item pack must be returned as a whole set.
  • This return policy does not apply to items, which have been stated as non-exchangeable or non-returnable.
  • Shipping costs associated with the return of the product will not be covered by Lulu Beaute.

Do take note, we will not return or exchange sales items or vouchers

Q : What if my item was missing, incorrect, damaged or faulty?
We’re sorry to have you received a parcel with damaged, incorrect or missing items! Let us know by contacting us by clicking “Chat with Us” on our website.

Please also include the following details;
- Image of the item/parcel(s) received
- Name of item
- Your order number
Please do not throw the items/parcel. We will arrange for pickup.

Q : How do I get my refund/s back?
We will notified you once we have received and inspected the items/parcel.
Should the return is approved, we will automatically refund the amount on your original payment method. Should it be via credit card, refund will take sometime for you to receive.

Any further enquiries, kindly chat with us!